Offered by Sierra Element – Scoped Carbine Tactical Tracking Interdiction Course Intermediate Level

For years Victor Lopez has supported SIONICS Weapon Systems. Victor Lopez has extensive experience as a military and law enforcement instructor, and he is a 20-year USMC Scout Sniper veteran.
To show our appreciation, we have the privilege of sharing his upcoming course with our SIONICS family!
Scoped Carbine Tactical Tracking Interdiction Course was developed to give the shooter a set of scoped carbine fundamentals while operating as a tactical tracking team. Every course begins with the proper mindset and focuses on the core foundation of accuracy and tactical deployment of a scoped carbine in a rural environment. The course covers many subjects taught at Marine Corps Basic Scout Sniper School, Mountain Sniper School, Marine Corps Combat Hunter Course and David Scott Donelan (Rhodesian SAS) Tracking School. Be ready to challenge your shooting skills and weaponizing your senses.
Subjects covered but not limited to:
- Elements of marksmanship
- Scope theory
- Observation Drills
- Alternate shooting positions
- Shooting from uneven terrain
- Tripod shooting
- Awkward shooting positions
- Dynamics of a footprint
- How to recognize ground and aerial spoor
- How to track as a team
Equipment Needed:
- Rifle with sling and optic min 4 power authorized caliber (.223/5.56) Semi-auto only
- Magazine pouch/Chest rig
- Three magazines
- Eye and ear protection
- Rifle cleaning gear/lube
- 400 rounds of ammunition
- Baseball hat or boonie style cover
- Water and snacks
- BDU style pants (NO shorts please)
- Gloves
- Small flashlight (white, red, green, blue)
- Day Pack- Inside of day pack: 2 t-shirts, extra set of boots or shoes, 1 sweatshirt, 24 ounces of water, note pad and pen, 100 rounds of ammunition.
For more information and to Sign up click the link below:
Event Date | 06-24-2023 8:00 am |
Event End Date | 06-25-2023 5:00 pm |
Capacity | 16 |
Available place | 13 |
Individual Price | $599.00 |
Location | California Tactical Academy |